

推薦Chrome Extension:YouTube 篇

2020年8月23日 — 本篇推薦一些我常用的Chrome Extension,包含自動重播YouTube 影片,以及把YouTube 影片變成漂浮視窗,能讓你邊看影片時還能邊看其他內容。

DocuTube Viewer

Watch linked YouTube videos without leaving your Google Doc.


A Google Apps Script Addon for finding, embedding, and watching YouTube videos in Google Docs. - bennettscience/docutube.

Chrome Extension

Simplify your document editing experience right from your browser. Harness the power of DocHub's Chrome Extension to edit, sign, and manage documents ...

DocuTube Viewer

DocuTube Viewer finds YouTube videos linked throughout the doc and displays them in a sidebar. You can watch the videos without leaving your document.

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